Coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing stress upon the National Health Service like never before.
The Wirral has been at the forefront of managing the virus since it’s manifestation, with the staff at Arrow Park Hospital (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – WUTH) being used to house and assess those initially returning from places effected by the virus, up to this current day, treating those who are infected by COVID-19.
The overwhelmed staff are not only saving lives, but risking their own in doing so!
The physical and mental strain placed upon their staff is immeasurable, as is the financial cost to the trust.
We at Running Head First appreciate that we are in an incredible position to contribute to easing the physical, financial and mental burden that the doctors, nurses, domestic and administrative staff have experienced since it’s outbreak in December 2019.
Due to this, we’re going to attempt to fulfil that potential.
It’s time to get ACTIVE!
Running Head First are aiming to raise £5000 for Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, with your assistance!
We’re asking you, your friends and family to complete 5 kilometres of physical activity any way you want to, in the month of April.
You can walk, jog, run, cycle, row, hop, skip or jump 5km during any point in the next 30 days, and simply donate £5 in support of the NHS (WUTH) for your efforts.
We’d love you to share your efforts on social media! Using the hashtag #5FORNHS and tag us (Running Head First – Facebook and @runningheadfirst – Instagram) in your posts.
Let’s share this positive journey, together!
As soon as the month of April is over, we will donate 50% of the cash raised IMMEDIATELY to Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
The remaining 50% of money raised will be used to take care of the staff at WUHT, post COVID-19.
Running Head First will finance physical activity, mindfulness and counselling sessions on behalf of the WUTH to ensure that their staff are able to recover from the physical and mental burden they are currently experiencing.
You can make your donation here.
We strongly advocate following the government guidance on safe, social distancing and only exercising outdoors once a day.
This is an event to support the NHS, its staff and the provision of care to those suffering with Coronavirus, please heed their advice during your 5KM efforts.
Yours in health,
Running Head First